But it's Ghem's wedding practice tonight. The only wedding practice.
Spell complicated! Darn! Haaaaaaay...
Last Tuesday, I passed this big billboard in Pioneer...

Super muni-muni tuloy ako na (singing) for the first time I won't be able to watch HP on its opening day! (#@%$#%!!!!!)
What will a choose????
Missing a great tradition or missing a friend's wedding practice???
Once in a lifetime lang yung HP... Once in a lifetime lang din yung kay Ghem...
Hay, anubato! Madali namang intindihin, di ba?
Kaya Harry Potter na lang!ÜÜÜ
Ang palalampasin ko! Kayo talaga! Hahaha!!!
Hay naku, all for the love of you, Ghem!!! At baka sabunutan mo pa ko if I don't come tonight! Ay mag-away na naman tayo ng bonggang-bongga! Hahaha!

O sya, see you later! Hahaha!Ü
Pero gusto ko lang sabihin na bumawi ka ha! Samahan mo ko manood ng Harry Potter 6! Hahaha! Gateway ulit?Ü Tapos Burgoo lamon ulit!Ü Teehee. Happiness!Ü
On my way to school today I saw this!
Waaaaaah!!!! How can that be?!?!?!?!?
It got my name on it and it's not even MINE!!!!! Weeeerrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
At least it wasn't RDV 23! Coz if it was.... that would be war! War! Waaaaaar!!!! It could also be major groveling, cursing, pleading, begging!!! Or maybe, I could just say, "Darn, that bastard got my plate!" Hahahaha!
But still, I want my new car! NOW NA!
Uhhhm... good luck naman don! Wahaha! Sometimes talaga it's hard to dream!Ü Darn!Ü
My nephew, Ice, celebrated his birthday at The Peninsula Manila. Place was good. Food was great. Company even grander!
While the boys were out for a swim, Julia and I had bonding time!

Ice Princess Julia with Ice Princess Wannabe Tita
Oh, shucks, the whole shirt print doesn't show! It says Ice Princess! Tita wants to have that shirt too! Hahaha!
Since I'm the only Tita they can play with, rather, who would play with them (ENTHUSIASTICALLY!), we started jumping around, running around and horsing around! Around, around, around, around... yet around... still around and around. Hahaha! (Whew!)

Julia and Ethan. Cute pose, kids!
At hindi mawawala na si Tita ay magpi-piggyback ride! Will I never grow out of this duty?!?!?!?!?! Darn! Hahahaha!

Piggyback Tita with Joty and Ice
Buti nalang, malambot yung bed! Hehehe!
This was such a fun-filled night! Ang kukulit nyo pa rin!

Birthday Boy
Gosh, Ice, you're growing up faster than I expected and getting even more gwapo than we can handle! Hahaha!Ü
Tita loves you soooo much!ÜÜÜ
Since I know you're reading this now...
Hahaha! Petiks ka na naman! Ü
Yun lang, bow! Ü
Thanks to Ronnie, I remembered that today at 12:34:56pm (or am) it would show:
12:34:56 07/08/09
And yes, though not so big a deal for everybody else, I was somehow looking forward to this. But thanks to a meeting at 12:40pm, I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT IT! Darn! Hahaha! It proved not so important after all!
Anyhoo, since Ronnie posted this in Facebook, I tried to areglo my own "catching of the moment". Cheat with the computer clock! Hahaha!

Nga naman, things you'd do to capture a moment you lost! Werrrr! Ü
Wishing everybody alive at this moment a Happy 123456789!ÜÜÜ

Today, GOD wants her to know...
... that it's your heart that knows who loves you, not your ears or eyes.
Listen to the words, and you can be fooled. Look at the actions, and you can be fooled. You are loved only when you feel loved. Who makes your heart soar now? Well, what are you waiting for?
Wow, Lord! Love it love it love it, Lord! ÜÜÜ
Oo nga naman. Ü