Thursday, January 31, 2008

Perpetual Mistake

After a few days of doing everything for everyone else, do something for yourself.

After a few days of doing everything for everyone else, why not do something for yourself today? You could do something as major as book a day at the spa, but you don't have to go to quite that level of expense to get the emotional recharge you need. Simply finding an hour to two to spend on your own in a quiet corner might be all it takes to put yourself back in the center of your life priorities -- right where you belong. Do not lose yourself in the lives of others. You are still number one.

A-G-A-I-N: Do not lose yourself in the lives of others.

Haaaaay, that's what I always forget. Losing myself in the lives of others has always been my mistake. Never learned. Never know if I ever will.

Oh well papel.Ü

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